Direct Mail Campaign

Why Direct Mail Isn’t Dead

In a world where every company is relying on digital campaigns, you can make your business stand out with direct mail marketing. In 2016, there was a 2% reduction in direct mail usage, meaning the market for it is wide open and waiting to be taken advantage of.
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When designed and delivered properly, a direct mail campaign can still be extremely successful for your business. It goes back to the basics that everyone is familiar with: all people love mail and can’t resist opening it. Direct mail allows you to present your company in a creative way with statement pieces that act as your trademark.

While it does take commitment and time, direct mail campaigns can provide better responses. As compared to advertisements that are not only obviously quickly made but can be forgotten about just as fast. Below are 6 ways how direct mail can make strides for your business now.

1. A Digital Strategy Isn’t Enough

Smart marketers know that networking digitally isn’t enough, even today. There are people who are part of your targeted audience that may not be seeing the digital advertisements you’re running for various reasons. That results in a lower number of leads than what you could be having. By using it, you’re not giving anyone an excuse to miss the products or services you’re offering. They will also most likely remember this method compared to a quick ad they skimmed through on Instagram.

2. Direct Mail is Trackable

One of the most common complaints we’ve heard is how people think that a direct mail campaign can’t be trackable. There are actually a wide variety of techniques that marketers and businesses can use to measure campaign performances. Such as a unique website link, custom phone numbers on the advertisements, and exclusive web offers and codes that can only be accessed if the user has the piece of mail.

3. It Provides Familiarity

In a world where every company is relying on digital campaigns, you can make your business stand out with direct mail marketing. In 2016, there was a 2% reduction in direct mail usage, meaning the market for it is wide open and waiting to be taken advantage of. People of all ages check their mail which means whatever you send will inevitably get read.

While the recipients may not act on the ad immediately, you still got their attention. They can refer back to your business by remembering your name, logo, products offered, and more.

4. You can Target Your Audience

Just like with digital marketing, you have almost endless resources to gain consumer information today. allows you to use their Each Door Direct Mail Service to show you demographics in different areas and the cost of postage to each mailer. You can also buy consumer lists that go far beyond just names and addresses. These will provide information about professions, purchase preferences, and more, which will make the segmenting part much easier.

5. You can be as Creative as Possible

 A direct mail campaign takes time to be successful, which means you can spend part of this getting the copy and design as perfect as you’d want. Because the advertisement is a representation of your brand, you don’t have to be afraid of standing out by adding different features such as textures, font changes, or even interactive designs (e.g. scratch-n-sniff). Getting creative will draw recipients in and make them remember you and the marketing message you’re conveying.

6. Direct Mail is Tangible and Personal

 Everyone loves getting something physical in the mail that they can keep. By investing in direct mail, your personalized advertisement serves as a gift to recipients. It gives them an exclusive look at something your offering. If you’re sending people a coupon for your product, they will more than likely remember to use that over one sent to their email. Since the physical piece will be right in front of them daily ­– not tucked away in their email inbox.

To know more about direct mail, do schedule a free consultation with us.